힐스킨 체커 Healskin Checker

by Jincostech(진코스텍)

Health & Fitness


1. When and where convenient portable skin Checkers - Check now easy and accurate skin to skin Checkers Hill wireless connection without a computer.2. Intuitive design and practical grip for the users convenience - LENS, oil sensor, a moisture sensor, a temperature sensor, a power button, consists of a charging terminal, a mobile tray.3. Provide measurements that can be easily understood Godhead - it helps shape the implementation of the photographed image by developing the engine technology, software technology and image analysis calculations to analyze the data pores, wrinkles, and skin tone. - BIA makes extract yusubun result based on the measured resistance value measurements of skin over the sensor (bioelectrical impedance measurement) techniques.4. linked to the smartphone and Bluetooth anytime, anywhere management features healthy skin - This measure seven factors (oil, moisture and temperature of the skin, pores, wrinkles, skin tone, skin roughness) that is directly related to skin health. - confirm the trend of the skin through the storage of small, lightweight design and measures considering the usability of the product is possible and easy with excellent quality and competitive price compared to competing products.